With regards to promoting the take-up of practical entrepreneurial experiences in education, training and youth work:
- A Company Fair and start-ups ideas
- Research on topics such as present job regulations or future job needs, documentaries and reports (written and digital or video edited using free software)
- Survey about the differences and similarities as to job market regulations and possibilities or offers aimed at checking out the labour market.
- Infographics on several topics (for example "green jobs")
- Video- reports on Voluntary and Part-time jobs as a way to test study and work vocations
- Infographics on several topics (for example "green jobs")
- Video- reports on Voluntary and Part-time jobs as a way to test study and work vocations
- Interactive map showing most demanded jobs in each country.
- Workshops on creating logos, setting up a company, succeeding at a job interview, etc.
- Workshops on creating logos, setting up a company, succeeding at a job interview, etc.
- Presentations, guides and checklists dealing with issues such as what to do or what not to do during an interview, how to record a short documentary or how to make a presentation
- Interviews with employers, experts, people in charge of human resources departments during which information and recommendations on how to start businesses or create their own employment, where to find financial support, etc.
- Lectures and conferences on topics such as finding a job in the EU, opportunities in the field of sustainable agriculture or IT.
- Lectures and conferences on topics such as finding a job in the EU, opportunities in the field of sustainable agriculture or IT.
With respect to "promoting young people's social inclusion and well-being",
- Research on successful measures to support differentially-challenged people within the EU context.
- Research on Gender Equality within the labour market
- Poster exhibition
- " Boys and Girls" workshops promoting certain vocational education and training courses
- Visits, meetings with experts and reports about organisations involved in helping people with disability into employment
- Games and documents
- Guide on learning, teaching and training activities
- Research on Gender Equality within the labour market
- Poster exhibition
- " Boys and Girls" workshops promoting certain vocational education and training courses
- Visits, meetings with experts and reports about organisations involved in helping people with disability into employment
With respect to promoting language and intercultural competence
- Short -term exchanges- Games and documents
- Guide on learning, teaching and training activities
With respect to digital competence
- Workshops and video tutorials on Twinspace, free apps, cloud storage and collaboration, etc.
- Symbaloo webmix on mobile learning
- Infographics
- Animations using powtoons
- Games using kahoot
YouTube Channel
- Animations using powtoons
- Games using kahoot
YouTube Channel